This workshop will introduce the participants to a unique process of creating
a hardbound book in which the painted interior text sheets and the cover
are created simultaneously. Initial papers and fabric cover are created
using traditional wheat paste techniques in contemporary ways in combination
with a variety of multi-media techniques. The focus will be on combining
text and imagery using stitching/collage/multi-media to create and sustain
a concept through the length of a book. All the essential bookbinding
skills are taught in the workshop and no special calligraphic skills are
needed. A sense of exploration and adventure and a willingness to try
something new are definite assets.
Level: Beginner to Advanced
Length: 3-5 days
Materials Fee: $15-20.00 per participant
• Participants should come with a general “theme” and
a related text in mind – e.g. spring, the wind, starry skies, etc.
The text should be 25-200 words about any subject with which you would
like to work. You could also give some thought to “appropriate”
color ranges. Bring some patterned/textured papers for collage, rubber
stamps, etc. The theme shouldn’t be too specific, because the background
imagery is done in quite an abstract manner.
• If you have some specific imagery (photos, bits of text or significant
words, maps, etc.) that you think might be compatible with your text,
bring those along as collage options. Get them photocopied in several
sizes in either Black/White or in color. Use either a laser or a commercial
photocopier - don’t just enlarge on your inkjet printer –
those inks are water-soluble and the images will blur during the collage
• This should include a variety of pencils/pens, eraser, glue stick,
paper scissors, masking tape, and utility knife.
• You will be adding text to your books, so bring some “text
writing” options (fine tipped permanent markers, pen & ink supplies,
gel markers, colored pencils, etc). Whatever supplies/tools you most like
to use!
• If you have any “bookbinding” tools (darning needles,
thread, weights, paper clips, callipers, bone folder, etc.) include them.
Basic bookbinding equipment will be supplied for the class if you don’t
have these items.
• Roll of removable tape and a set of yellow Post-it notes
• Ruler (18” x 24”, metal if you have it)
• Cutting mat and Olfa cutter (optional)
• If you actually have a book press or a large flower press, that
would be ideal. The interior size between the screws should be at least
9” x 12”.
• If not, bring 2 boards (approx. 9” x 12” x ½”)
and 4 C-clamps from the hardware store.
The basic media that will be presented is “wheat paste” –
a mix of acrylic paint in a wheat starch base. On the first day, this
will be applied to both sides of large pieces of paper (the interior pages
of the book) as well as to the fabric pieces for the cover.
• Glue brushes (1/2” – 2” bristle brushes - from
hardware store)
• Several small to medium-sized plastic containers with lids
• Small tray to transport paint to work station
• Apron and/or old clothes and gloves
• Any “mark-making” tools (old brushes, scrapers, adhesive
spreaders, etc.)
• Large sponge, 1 gallon ice cream bucket, paper towels for clean-up
As we are working, we will collage a variety of elements to enhance your
interior pages. Some possible suggestions are: (Bring what you have)
• A variety of thinner decorative papers or textured rice papers
• Rubber stamps, handmade or commercial
• Photocopied images and bits of text in a variety of sizes
Further enhancing also happens later in the workshop. Additional options
at this point are: (Bring what you have)
• Stencils/stencil brushes and pastes (optional)
• Glitter, gold and/or other metal leafs and foils (optional)
• Colored pencils
• Oil pastels
• Chalk pastels
BASIC BOOK SUPPLIES TO BE AVAILABLE FOR STUDENTS (These would be covered by the Materials Fee listed above):
• Arches Cover (22” x 30”) – 2 sheets per participant
+ 5 extra
• Canson Ingres (or equivalent) – 1 sheet per participant
+ 3 extra
• Book Board – 3 sheets
• A MINIMUM set of Setacolor Transparent Fabric Paints – 250 ml bottles of the following colors: (Other brands of fabric paints would be OK) Consult with instructor.
13 Buttercup
24 Cardinal Red
49 Fuschia
12 Ultramarine Blue
11 Cobalt Blue
30 Turquoise
28 Moss Green
19 Black Lake
OPTIONAL LIST of 250 mL Setacolor Transparent Fabric Paints:
17 Lemon Yellow
21 Bright Orange
26 Vermilion 29 Parma Violet
15 Emerald Green
18 Pernod Yellow
14 Velvet Brown
A selection of the Setacolor Metallics and/or Shimmer paints (optional)
• Each participant will be working on 2 sheets of 22” x 30”
Arches Cover Weight paper simultaneously – so A LOT of space is
needed. 1 per table for the first day, if at all possible.
• 2 extra tables for paint and collage supplies
• Access to sinks/water
• A method to hang up wet papers (22” x 30” –
2 per participant)
• Area to lay wet fabrics to dry
• Extra containers for clean-up, sponges, rags, paper towels
• Ample workspace for each participant (2/table)
• Communal cutting board, ruler and rotary cutter
• 2 extra tables for supplies and samplers
• A “teaching space” comprised of a table and demo space
for me with an extra set of chairs around it for participants.
• An easel with a pad of paper and/or a chalk board for demonstrations
• Basic Bookbinding tools – bone folders, needles, thread
• Variety of textured papers and cheesecloth as collage options
• Prepared wheat paste
• Set of Setacolor Transparent Fabric Paints
• Assorted materials for decorating papers - colored pencils, oil/chalk
pastels, stencils/stencil brushes
• Handouts and a number of artists’ books
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